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gnostic principles, gnosticism hylics, gnosticism psychic, gnosticism pneumatic, gnosis article, gnosis spirituality, gnostic spirituality, gnosticism and spirituality, gnostic blog, gnosis and religion - Una panoramica

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It was the Arian conflict, initially centered on the all-important city of Alexandria, that caused Emperor Constantine I to convoke a general council of Christianity to be held at Nicaea. He wanted to make Christianity more cohesive — and Per mezzo di turn further bolster his own political fortunes, on the assumption that the Church would be grateful for his intervention, and a unified Church could provide him useful political leverage. He summoned the known Christian bishops of the Empire (some 1,800, reportedly). Only about 300 participated, most from nearby eastern provinces.

is the Greek word for “knowledge,” and Gnostics claimed to have a special knowledge that was hidden from most people. 

(fl. 132-135 CE) developed a cosmology and cosmogony quite distinct from the Sophia myth of classical Gnosticism, and also reinterpreted key Christian concepts by way of the popular Stoic philosophy of the secolo.

first appeared Per mezzo di print in 1669, Per mezzo di a book by the English poet and philosopher of religion Henry More. More applied it to the religious groups referred to Durante ancient sources as gnostikoi

, the “Fullness,” where all the rational desires of the human mind in qualità di to full and perfect fruition. On this belief, all knowledge belonged to these Gnostics, and any interpretation of the biblical text would be for the purpose of explaining the true nature of things by elucidating the errors and distortions of the Demiurge. This approach treated the past as something already overcome yet still “present,” insofar as certain members of the human race were still laboring under the old law—that is, were still reading the Scriptures Con the receptive manner.

But it was a moment within the development of Christianity, as found Sopra the surviving documentation, when this took place within Christendom.

Thus, Gnosticism’s appeal to the urban intelligentsia of the time was an implicit threat to “literalist” Christianity. And they certainly took notice.

The Council also didn’t alla maniera di read more close to unifying Christendom as Constantine and many of its attending bishops had expected; the Arian “heresy” survived it by centuries, and other rifts such as the Donatist controversy remained Durante play.

Gnostic systems postulate a dualism between God and the world,[69] varying from the "radical dualist" systems of Manichaeism to the "mitigated dualism" of classic gnostic movements. Radical dualism, or absolute dualism, posits two co-equal divine forces, while Durante mitigated dualism one of the two principles is in some way inferior to the other.

According to Marcion, the god who controls this realm is a being who is intent on preserving his autonomy and power even at the expense of the (human) beings whom he created. The “alien” God, who is the Supremely Good, is a “god of injection,” for he enters this realm from outside, Sopra order to gratuitously adopt the pitiful human beings who remain under the sway of the inferior god as His own children. This act is the origin of and reason for the Incarnation of Christ, according to Marcion.

Carl Jung approached Gnosticism from a psychological perspective, which was followed by Gilles Quispel. According to this approach, Gnosticism is a map for the human development in which an undivided person, centered on the Self, develops out of the fragmentary personhood of young age.

The religion of some Gnostic sects was almost fully bifurcated, having a collection of esoteric teachings underpinning, or even enveloped by, a collection of exoteric teachings. Worshippers who entered the sect would be introduced first to the exoteric teachings, and over time, would be taught the sect’s esoteric principles.

^ Encyclopædia Britannica: "In Marcion's own view, therefore, the founding of his church – to which he was first driven by opposition – amounts to a reformation of Christendom through a return to the gospel of Christ and to Paul; nothing was to be accepted beyond that. This of itself shows that it is a mistake to reckon Marcion among the Gnostics. A dualist he certainly was, but he was not a Gnostic". ^ Where Augustine was a member of the school from 373–382.[184][185] ^ This understanding of the transmission of Gnostic ideas, despite Irenaeus' certain antagonistic bias, is often utilized today, though it has been criticized.

, the Greek word for “knowledge” or “insight”) is the name given to a loosely organized religious and philosophical movement that flourished Durante the first and second centuries CE.

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